
拍客 Narmi
拍摄于 Brussels, Belgium
日期 2023-09-19 11:47

I spotted this beauty this morning on my way to work.


Camera model iPhone 11
Aperture f/1.8
Shutterspeed 1/121 sec.
Focal length 4.2 mm

Auto 细节

极速 325 KM/H
加速 0-100 KM/H 3.00 s
功率 605 HP
转矩 540 Nm @ 6000 RPM
重量 1395 kg


  1. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Rover-Spots  -  于 18:34

    Wauw, heerlijk!

  2. Profile pic
    UNITED KINGDOM Joshyboy1236  -  于 19:39

    Insane spot!

  3. Profile pic
    FRANCE cross74  -  于 19:53

    Cool spot !

  4. Profile pic
    UKRAINE suishafter.png  -  于 16:29

    Spot of the Day ?

  5. Profile pic
    BELGIUM Narmi  -  于 16:42

    Thanks a lot! @Rover-Spots @Joshyboy1236 @cross74 @suishafter.png

  6. 这个不行

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