
拍客 mikecars22
拍摄于 Fiorano, Italy
日期 2024-09-16 18:33

Definitely an unexpected spot for me, also in a city near Maranello! The same day I spotted the MC20 Icona that I've uploaded some days ago and a 488 Pista Spider that will be uploaded in the next days. Some info about this Testarossa conversion: https://www.carrozzieri-italiani.com/listing/ferrari-testarossa-spider-pavesi/

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  1. Profile pic
    UNITED KINGDOM Miles A.  -  于 19:07

    Insane spot!

  2. Profile pic
    ITALY Dalzzz  -  于 19:24

    Che assurda! Non è la versione Conversion che era già stata caricata con stessa targa?

  3. Profile pic
    ITALY mikecars22  -  于 19:51

    @Dalzzz è l'altra che è sbagliata

  4. Profile pic
    ITALY JACK888 Turin Spotter  -  于 22:37


  5. Profile pic
    Ferrari-Lamborghini Fan  -  于 23:18

    Insane and epic Ferrari !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Profile pic
    BELGIUM Beamen  -  于 13:54

    Crazy catch !

  7. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Nigel Bennis Photography  -  于 14:09

    Epic spot!

  8. Profile pic
    ITALY Cars.Spotting.Ita  -  于 14:27

    Veramente spettacolare!!

  9. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Exclusive_Spottertje  -  于 20:43


  10. Profile pic
    BELGIUM Enzo Rhode-Hagen  -  于 21:27

    Lucky you, I still never saw a Testarossa convertible...

  11. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS omd78  -  于 23:01

    Ferrari Cavalcade Classiche ?

  12. 这个不行

更多 Ferrari Testarossa Spider Carrozzeria Pavesi 照片

