
拍客 VSA_spotter
拍摄于 Miami Beach (FL), United States of America
日期 2024-12-07 05:44


Camera model Galaxy S23 Ultra
Aperture 1.7
Shutterspeed 1
Focal length 6.3 mm

Auto 细节

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  1. Profile pic
    FRANCE cross74  -  于 07:50


  2. Profile pic
    Ferrari-Lamborghini Fan  -  于 11:38

    Stunning Lambo and nice shots !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Profile pic
    BELGIUM Beamen  -  于 01:51

    Really nice find !

  4. Profile pic
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Horse-Power  -  于 06:30

    I thought that this beast looked familiar, lol. A huge congrats for a well deserved SOTD. Are you a full time resident of South Florida, now? If so, I can just bet that you will not miss the 6 months of the super cold winter weather up there in the Chicago suburbs, Ha, ha.

  5. 这个不行

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